As 2015 is coming to close, I think it's good to reflect on the year that I have had and try to improve it next year. I love creating goals and resolutions for the new year because I think the New Year is a fresh start; we can create new habits and become better people.
If you can tell, my resolutions are mainly about my personality and trying to make myself a better person. Over the last few months, since going to college, I have become a more peaceful person. I have realized things and people that don't make me happy anymore. In 2016, my goal is to find more things that make me happy and be a more peaceful person.
Here are some of my resolutions. What are yours?
1. Hang out with old friends more.
2. Stop wishing to be other people. Focus on myself.
3. Read 15 books for fun.
4. Explore Chicago and the Bay Area more.
5. Start doing yoga more, at least once a week.
6. Don't resent pretty or nice people. Compliment them.
7. Keep focusing on less surface level things. Focus on my personality, happiness, knowledge, and career.
8. Stop trying to find happiness in parties. They won't make you happy.
9. Focus on your accomplishments, rather than your failures.
10. Let go of friends that don't fulfill you and make you happy, regardless if you have history with them. Surround yourself with positive people.
11. Say more positive compliments to myself.
12. Being single is a bad thing. Focus on yourself.